What was the purpose of the project?
The overall objective of this project is to create an indoor living lab that gives students, teachers and researchers at The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and DTU Library the chance to develop, test, and present smart technologies.
Light for learning –
In the course of 2017, DTU Campus Service has replaced the approx. 620 lamps at DTU Library in Lyngby. LED light is introduced all over the library, and significant savings of energy consumption are anticipated. The new light fittings are smart, as the introduction of LED light offers the opportunity to adjust both the light intensity and the colour of the light according to the wishes of the users via their smart phones. At the moment, the library users are able to adjust the light in four of the zones in the library.
Modcams and sensors –
Part of the library renovation in 2017 consisted of the installation of Modcams to measure, count and monitor the use of the library. In addition, various sensors have been put up to measure temperature, humidity, particles, CO2 and sound level etc. and thus gather data about the indoor climate.
The library space gives researchers from the DEPARTMENT OF PHOTONICS ENGINEERING at DTU a facility to do research in real settings.
The Benefits:
- Increased interaction – students, researchers, clubs, campus planners, etc.
- Educational outcomes – improved spatial literacy (new class projects)
- Improved research opportunities and better research outcomes – making use of a data-rich environment with better-trained student workers
- Efficiency savings and sustainability
- Better asset management – highest-use optimization of space
- Healthier campus living
- Increased enrolments, students attracted to green, technologically savvy campuses
Chosen solution & Technical specifications
With the requirement of a tuneable white environment, the solution features two parallel DALI-controlled LED runs of CCT2700K and CCT6500K respectively enabling the lighting to follow the circadian rhythm. The LED runs – LED iBond Tracy® system – display the LEDs without a cover/diffuser, enhancing a technical appearance.
To give the students the opportunity to adjust certain environmental factors (such as colour temperature and intensity of the light), the design of the lighting on each floor of the building was divided into 10 individual cells, user controlled to suit the actual user requirements at all times of the day – bearing in mind that the library is open 24/7.
Along the perimeter of each floor, a further Tracy® LED panel run was added in CCT4000K with PIR-based daylight dimming.
In the 3rd level break-out rooms, the existing CFL-luminaire fixtures were upgraded with tuneable white inserts, leaving the final control of both intensity and colour temperature of the light in the hands of the users.
All light is controlled by DALI.
Collaborating partners
The library is now collaborating with various companies, displaying their sensors and solutions with dashboards. All the sensors create data that are in turn valuable both for developing the library services, but also for facility management services that may eventually be upscaled for campus-wide solutions. In this way, the facility can act as an incubator – in collaboration with the industry and researchers – for innovative industrial solutions.
The facility is also being used for student projects and by teachers within courses at DTU.
Measurable effects
We are collecting data on usage, but the savings have not yet been calculated and analysed.
Lessons learnt?
Sensors should have been built into the solution from day one. It is now being developed and hopefully implemented in august.
Date of opening:
1. November 2017
Visiting info
DTU Library, Technical Information Center of Denmark, is the university library of DTU and serves as the national technical information center.
DTU Library
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
Building 101D
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Phone: 45 25 72 50
The future
The university is working on the idea of collecting all operational/consumption data and data collected by students and researchers in a Data Lake with the purpose of lending out the data ‘like a book’ by the librarians. This could be purposes such as data modelling, courses in machine learning, AI etc.
Furthermore, the library will over time be equipped with more sensors.
Contact info:
Lars Binau
If you have any questions regarding the DTU engagement in Lighting Metropolis, please contact: Dorthe Skovgaard Lund, dslu@dtu.dk, phone +45 2136 2697.
Email: labi@dtu.dk
Phone: +45 5180 1563
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