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ContinueLighting for Humanity
Lighting Metropolis and the solutions born out of the project are centered around humans – our needs and wellbeing.
At Metropolis: by Light Florence Lam, Arup Fellow and Global Lighting Designer, will deliver a keynote speech:
Light is fundamental to humanity – from securing safety and resilience and enabling equality to facilitating social interaction and achieving prosperity. Florence’s keynote will offer perspective on how lighting technology and design solutions may contribute to achieving resilience and sustainability.
Florence is an Arup Fellow and leads Arup’s global lighting design practice. Her expertise in daylight, visual perception and holistic lighting approaches play a key role in many of her projects – from museums to airports, bridges and city precincts. Florence was responsible for delivering a range of lighting projects for the London Olympic Games in 2012. As a lighting designer she has a strong interest in visual light art and has collaborated with various artists and architects on public projects including Anish Kapoor’s ArcelorMittal Orbit in London, the World’s Largest Timepiece in Zurich and Dongdaemun World Design Park in Seoul.
During the conference you also get to visit the demonstration projects in Greater Copenhagen that are testing solutions in real environments used by real people.
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