Faxe Kommune har skiftet de gamle neonrør i to sportshaller ud med ny LED belysning. Det giver kommunen både driftsmæssige og økonomiske fordele og så sparer de på energien. […]
ContinuePartnership platform
Lighting Metropolis will support the development of a permanent triple helix platform for collaboration and innovation in smart urban lighting, establishing new partnerships, new projects, events, and other knowledge sharing activities to meet the short-term and long-term needs of forward-looking regions and municipalities.
This partnership platform of regions, municipalities, companies, and knowledge institutions will become a central driver in the further development of Greater Copenhagen as a world-leading region in smart urban lighting.
The platform will continue to respond to the challenges and capitalise on the possibilities generated by the demo projects. The platform will also initiate new partner projects as well as maintain a special focus on environmental issues, life cycle estimations and more in relation to LED.
▸ The City of Malmö, Gate 21 and Lund University are the drivers responsible for building the triple helix platform
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