street lamp
The project comprises of 13 municipalities, one region, three universities and two organizations.
It officially launches on February 1st in 2019 and lasts for three years. (See the fact box). The participating municipalities and Region Skåne are expected to invest approx. 177MSEK. in specific LED projects.
“There is a great need for innovative lighting solutions in the public sector, such as energy-efficient outdoor lighting for urban and rural areas, or needs-oriented lighting in the healthcare sector. With Lighting Metropolis – Green Economy, we can combine these smart lighting needs from regions and municipalities with innovative solutions from startup companies and established companies throughout Greater Copenhagen, “says Joakim Nelson, CEO. Director of Innovation Skåne.
Learn more about our partners here below:
Albertslund Municipality
Albertslund Municipality is well into the green transition. By joining the “Lighting Metropolis – Green Economy” (LMGE), the municipality should be able to get closer to its goal of replacing all street lighting with energy-efficient LED fittings. Over the next three years, the municipality will replace 30% of its street lighting (approx. 2,500 street lamps) with energy-efficient LED lighting that includes smart control and will also be gaining knowledge on ways to improve and maintain their street lighting system. This modernisation will benefit the municipality in several areas: energy consumption will be reduced, and road lighting maintenance will decrease by 50%. Lighting quality will be improved, both in terms of colour and brightness, which will increase road safety and citizens’ confidence in the municipality, especially in residential areas.
Ballerup Municipality
In Ballerup Municipality there is great political focus on implementing energy-saving measures. In fact the municipality has already implemented a large LED street lamp project. By joining LMGE, Ballerup Municipality can continue to work with LED projects in the municipality’s buildings. Specifically, through the course of the LMGE project, the municipality will replace lighting in municipal buildings such as schools, institutions, culture and leisure facilities, as well as sports halls, with more energy-efficient lighting sources. These new lighting solutions will also contain lighting for healthcare settings with colour changes, and emphasis must be placed on the total economy and life cycle assessments. All in all, the municipality expects that energy savings of 600,000 kWh/year will be able to be achieved during the project period. The municipality also expects that by joining LMGE, it will be able to disseminate knowledge about the integration of indoor climate and health parameters in municipal buildings, so that users of the buildings receive better support for their core tasks.
Bjuv Municipality
For many years, Bjuv Municipality has worked with industrial symbiosis and sustainable solutions for businesses and civil society. By participating in LMGE, the municipality can get closer to its goal of sharing knowledge and promoting the energy efficiency of outdoor lighting. In a pilot project, Bjuv Municipality will work with industrial symbiosis in a park facility with pedestrian and bicycle paths, as well as seating near public transport. Here, the goal is to create a safe, comfortable and sustainable urban environment, as well as providing the opportunity to promote public transport using light.
DTU Photonics
The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Photonics has researched and developed innovative solutions using LED technology for indoor and outdoor lighting, such as in the area of health lighting in hospitals. By participating in LMGE, DTU Photonics can help optimise the solutions used by municipalities and regions by sharing its knowledge with them. The knowledge DTU Photonics holds within LED technology can be used by the municipalities and regions for quality assurance in road lighting, as well as for achieving greater energy savings. DTU Photonics itself will also benefit joining LMGE, as the project will help improve the collaboration between the university and Danish and Swedish municipalities.
Egedal Municipality
Egedal Municipality has initiated a multifunctional “square meter project” for more flexible buildings. This is a project that will broaden the use of buildings in schools, so that buildings are not left empty at various times of the day. By participating in LMGE, Egedal Municipality can replace lighting in the schools with more energy-efficient solutions and direct support to multifunctional square meters or spaces. During optimisation, the municipality can achieve energy efficiency by switching to LED lighting, and consider the possibility of using the otherwise calculated costs for better lighting. The new lighting will better support learning environments, improving the students’ development and offering the students a more varied school day.
Faxe Municipality
Like many other Danish municipalities, Faxe Municipality has committed itself to reducing its energy consumption and reducing CO2 emissions by entering into climate agreements with both the Danish Society for Nature Conservation and the EU Covenant of Mayors. To achieve its goal, Faxe Municipality is participating in LMGE in order to gain competencies and tools for the efficient and rapid replacement of lighting in buildings and on roads, switching them out for new energy-efficient LED lighting. By participating in LMGE, the municipality expects that it can reduce and streamline the CO2 emissions within its own business. Faxe Municipality also wants to increase its competencies and generate new knowledge within supply, construction and operations.
Gladsaxe Municipality
On its political agenda, Gladsaxe Municipality has climate, the environment and the need for fewer operating expenses. By joining LMGE, the municipality can hone in on these priorities by gaining greater knowledge on and speeding up its transition to LED lighting for outdoor use. In Gladsaxe Municipality there are 8,248 street lamps, with different combinations of design, condition and power consumption. By modernising the outdoor lighting, the municipality can halve the street lamps’ energy while gaining a direct efficiency improvement of 2.7 million DKK per year – a saving that corresponds to the consumption of 250 average homes, or twice the electricity consumption of Gladsaxe City Hall.
Kalundborg Municipality
For the past few years, Kalundborg Municipality has been working on a demonstration project focused securing school roads with improved lighting. Now the municipality wants to modernise lighting in a number of the municipality’s buildings, as well as the outdoor lighting connected to those buildings. This can be achieved by participating in LMGE. By modernising the lighting, the municipality can achieve considerable energy savings while improving both learning conditions in the schools and the indoor environment, regarding light parameters.
Klippan Municipality
Klippan Municipality wants to participate in LMGE in order to get energy-efficient road lighting. The municipality can do this by replacing all its light fittings.
Kristianstad Municipality
Kristianstad municipality wants to take the energy retrofitting of the road lighting one step further. By participating in Lighting Metropolis, the municipality will both increase its competence, through knowledge exchange with other partners, while also radically reducing its energy consumption. The municipality will have a special focus on lighting in parks, by replacing old mercury luminaires with built-in light relays (twilight relays) as well as the old control system in Kristianstad and out in the country. Kristianstad places particular impotance to knowledge sharing between partners, as collaboration tends to raise the level of innovation – and generates experience for all parties.
Lolland Municipality
In Lolland Municipality there is broad political and organisational support for reducing energy consumption. The municipality has already committed itself to this aim through, among other things, the climate municipality agreement with the Danish Society for Nature Conservation and a mayor agreement to reduce CO2 emissions in the municipality. By joining LMGE, the municipality can optimise the energy consumption of public buildings by replacing lighting at several nursing homes, residential centres, plus sports and health centres with energy-efficient LED lighting with smart control. In addition, the municipality would like to gain more knowledge on effective lighting, for example in the field of biological light and light for teaching, so that the municipality can work further towards its goal. The energy optimisation in public buildings should enable the municipality to save considerable energy and reduce operating costs. In addition to this, the municipality expects the indoor climate to improve inside these public buildings.
Lund Municipality
Lund Municipality is working on two major urban development projects, where light is part of the solution. By joining Lightin Metropolis, the municipality can modernize both existing street lighting for more energy-efficient LED lighting, and think light into new urban areas. Both in the former industrial area of Västerbro, and in the new urban area Brunnshög. Roads, paths and parking spaces will have energy-efficient LED lighting with smart handling, which will ensure an attractive, sustainable and safe area for everyone.
Lund University
At the Departments of Design Science and Ergonomics & Aerosol Technology, researchers at Lund University are investigating the influence of light on people. They know that the light has a direct influence on human health, and how important it is that the light is designed with a synergonomic perspective (for example, less glare) to avoid headaches, migraines and eye problems. By participating in Lighting Metropolis, this knowledge can be spread to improve health and well-being.
Region Skåne
Region Skåne is planning and implementing a major rebuilding of Helsingborg’s hospital, and in connection with that, will also carry out a project with circadian lighting in two different units, within the framework of Lighting Metropolis. One of the goals of the project is to assess the real savings when shifting from traditional lighting to circadian LED lighting, with the possibility of controlling both intensity and the color temperature of the light. Region Skåne expects a energy saving of about 50%, compared to light tubes. Another goal is to implement a circadian lighting solution that supports the work and well-being of the staff, regardless of the time of the day.
Roskilde Municipality
Roskilde Municipality has already been working on strip lighting, event lighting, plus learning and wellbeing supported by lighting, and has generated energy savings from lighting in municipal buildings. By joining LMGE, the municipality can go even further in its work on light development. During the project period by LMGE, the municipality will develop total-economic solutions in connection with the choice of light fittings and controls in municipal buildings. Here, emphasis will be placed on optimizing light quality, assessing the use of dynamic light, the relationship between daylight and artificial light, as well as the flexibility of lighting for multi-purpose use. The municipality will therefore be able to achieve its goals of developing and using new components for light modernisation, such as wireless solutions that can optimise the installation of LED lighting.
Trelleborg Municipality
Trelleborg Municipality is participating in LMGE because it wants to speed up its modernisation from traditional light sources to energy-efficient LED lighting. The municipality’s participation in LMGE will provide knowledge sharing opportunities and inspiration from the entire Øresund region, so that the municipality can gain broader expertise in outdoor lighting for public areas. Within the project, the municipality hopes to gain more knowledge in the design, operation and maintenance of lighting installations.
Aalborg University
Aalborg University is already researching how architecture and lighting technology can improve the built environment. At the university, a research group is working with an interdisciplinary and innovative approach to the following research themes: Light and Health, Dynamic Lighting and Intelligent Lighting. The research is based on natural and laboratory experiments, such as realistic and holistic assessments of dynamic illumination in occupied spaces. By participating in LMGE, Aalborg University can help disseminate information and further research how light can affect people in different environments.
Innovation Skåne
Innovation Skåne has previously worked on and coordinated projects within lighting development. Innovation Skåne, a subsidiary of Region Skåne, works with innovative solutions on topics including energy-saving lighting. Innovation Skåne is active in research and development, working with projects to increase the interest of the business community. By participating in LMGE, Innovation Skåne can use its experiences in collaboration to create the basis for cross-border collaboration between users, researchers and industry (triple helix). Specifically, Innovation Skåne will create networks, convey knowledge through workshops and seminars, and arrange visits to specific projects in LMGE.
Gate 21
As a green partnership organisation in Greater Copenhagen, Gate 21 works with many topics, one of them being lighting innovation. Gate 21 has helped create Europe’s largest living laboratory for innovative lighting solutions. Here, various actors are brought together to create new innovative solutions within lighting design, photonics and biological lighting. By participating in LMGE, Gate 21 can gather several partners on the green transition taking place within the lighting sector.