The project board of Lighting Metropolis consists of selected partner members, whose assigned role is to steer the project in the most effective direction in order to meet all our goals.
The board members are:
- Niels Carsten Bluhme, Director, City of Albertslund (director of the board, Lead Partner)
- Ola Melin, Head of Department, Malmö Stad
- Jonas Gallon, VP, Innovation Skåne
- Pia Nielsen, Head of Unit, Region Hovedstaden
- Martin Holgaard, Director, Roskilde Kommune
- Michael Ferm, Director, Zumtobel Group
- Poul Erik Lauridsen, Director, Gate 21
- Michael Mullins, Associate Professor Ph.d., Aalborg Universitet
- Region Skåne (pt. Wilhelm Ast, Business Development Manager)
- Claus Holm, Regional Sales Director, Cisco