As part of the Lighting Metropolis – Green Economy (LM) project, an advisory panel (Advisory Board) has been established, with private companies within the lighting and consultancy industries in Denmark and Sweden. Companies have been selected from companies affiliated with the Lighting Metropolis project, DOLL or otherwise affiliated with Innovation Skåne or Gate 21, in order to ensure consistency with other, related efforts in the Greater Copenhagen geography. In addition, Lund University, Aalborg University and the Technical University of Denmark are linked to the advisory panel. Sydljus (Sweden) and the Danish Center for Light are invited to participate with one representative each.
The panel advises the project management and the steering committee on professional issues, including requirements for the efficiency and quality of lighting, the inclusion of new knowledge and the involvement of students and startups in the development of solutions for municipalities, etc.
The advisory panel meets a few times a year and can participate in thematic working groups. At the start of the project, three working groups were formed with representatives of LM’s partners: Road lighting, indoor light, health light.
The advisory panel is invited to participate in the thematic meetings and workshops on professional topics held by LM for partners as well as for a wider circle (eg all municipalities and regions in Greater Copenhagen). There is no fee or other payment for participation in the advisory panel, and a set of rules of the game is agreed which promote open dialogue and development.
Jessika Luth Richter, Lunds Universitet internationella miljöinstitutet (LU IIIEE)
Hillevi Hemphälä, Lunds Universitet, Lunds Tekniska Högskola (LU LTH)
Johannes Lindén, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU Fotonik)
Michael Mullins, Aalborg Universitet, København (AAU-Cph)
Ingvar Eriksson, Sydljus
Niels Knudsen, Dansk Center for Lys
Henrik Nørgaard, Signify
Nicklas Nilsson, Zumtobel
Søren Hansen, Citelum
Helge Lang Pedersen, Ørsted
Ole Brochstedt Jakobsen, SEAS-NVE
Emma Wrege, Kraftringen
Thomas Feldborg, Lightcare
Robin Linné, Lightab
Jakob Meiland Hansen, Novalume
Kristjan Gross, AI
Henrik Clausen, Fagerhult
Viveca Rosencrantz, Viveca Rosencrantz (Fojab)
Jesper Ravn, Nordiske lysdesignere – IALD Nordic