Participating start-ups at our community event in Copenhagen, hosted by Aalborg University.
Our growing community of lighting-related start-ups displayed an impressive range of innovations and services, at the latest event, in Greater Copenhagen.
Facilitating the exchange of experiences and opportunities is one of the key services we provide for our ambitious start-ups in Lighting Metropolis. At our latest meeting, hosted by Aalborg University in Copenhagen, the start-ups represented unique services, products and solutions for areas as diverse as home health, procurement consultation, intelligent lighting systems and retail senses.
The participating start-ups at the event were:
Assimilatus – Sustainable IoT solutions powered by end-to-end connectivity
Caleidoscope Systems AB – Supplier of ceilings, lighting and power systems
Fischer Lighting ApS – Upgrades any type of lighting fixture to LED, using a patented method
GLC – Global Lighting Consultants
Green Light A/S – Unique and energy saving lighting solutions
IU – Making procurement of sustainable interior design easier
OCONEO – Product innovation for mobile home health care
The participants also got a special offer from DOLL Living Lab’s Kim Brostrøm to utilise one of their street units for their Smart City applications, and were encouraged to submit their interests in showcasing their products and solutions at Europe’s largest outdoor living lab for intelligent lighting solutions.
The start-ups also got an opportunity to hear how they can benefit from Lighting Metroplis’ contracted consultants*, NIRAS, Rambøll, COWI och Light Bureau (formerly ÅF Lighting), in the often complex public procurement processes. (*Includes SWECO)
You can read more about the whole community here. If you’re interested in hearing more about the community and how to apply for free membership, please contact Maria Edgren, at Innovation Skåne.

The success story behind the Green Light was shared by CEO Henrik Raaschou-Neve.

Jack Austern, strategic business consultant at Innovation Skåne, in discussion with Green Light’s sales director, Bo Juul Nielsen.

Nicklas Erlandsson, Global lighitng Consultants Scandinavia AB, exchanges start-up experiences with Marcus Isaksson, Managing Director at Caleidoscope Systems AB.

Kim Au, Assimilatus, Emilia Bancos, OCONEO and Christina Jönsson, Interior design & Procurement enquire more about each others specialist areas.

Bo Juul Nielsen. sales director at Green Light, wanted to hear more about DOLL’s exclusive living lab offer, from Kim Brostrøm, CTO.

Elisabeth Malmsten Laigaard, Rambøll, in an exchange with Fischer Lighting’s Lars Elmvang.
Stefan Lundgren, founder of Retail Senses, in discussion with Green Light’s CEO, Henrik Raaschou-Neve.