The EU has published new criteria for green public procurement (GPP), which are designed to make it easier for public authorities to purchase goods, services and works with reduced environmental impacts.
The use of the criteria is voluntary, and the criteria are formulated in such a way that they can, if deemed appropriate by the individual authority, be integrated into the authority’s tender documents with minimal editing. Before publishing a call for tender, public authorities are advised to check the available offer of the goods, services and works they plan to purchase on the market where they are operating.
The new criteria were issued in December 2018, in the form of a publication in English: “EU green public procurement criteria for road lighting and traffic signals”. The criteria have now also come in Danish and Swedish, which makes it easier for Danish and Swedish municipalities to use them.
Links to the English, Danish and Swedish guidelines.
Based on the available scientific evidence, the main environmental impacts of road lighting and traffic signals from the life cycle perspective are summarised in the table below, together with the EU GPP approach to reduce, or mitigate, those impacts.
Lighting Metropolis is working to accelerate the replacement of high-quality and energy-efficient LED lighting. Here, the criteria will be included in the work of specifying indicative requirements for new road lighting.