A visualization of the future arrival space with room for play & activities, at Bispebjerg Hospital. (Illustration: BDP)
Greater Copenhagen is Denmark’s and southern Sweden’s growth engine, and a metropolitan region with a global impact. We asked Chief Consultant Henrik Madsen, at the Capital Region – a supporting partner of Lighting Metropolis, to describe some of the strategies & actions that will create the smart growth.
Q: What are the overall goals for the region’s Smart City strategy, in terms of investments & time perspective?
A: Smart Growth is a priority in our regional growth and development strategy. An overall goal is a more efficient society that invests in smart digital solutions to solve local problems and increase global demand. This must include establishment of a common municipal and regional data hub, and rapid and total broadband and mobile coverage in the region by 2020. In 2017 we want to develop a new ambitious long term vision for a Smart Greater Copenhagen together with our municipal partners. Greater Copenhagen aims to be among the worlds top-10 places for development and test of digital smart city solutions.
Q: How is the region’s unique human centric culture reflected & supported in that strategy?
A: In our strategy work for a Smart Greater Copenhagen we believe that smart cities and regions should not be centered on technology alone. We need to have clear focus on the citizens and take the starting point in which societal challenges we aim to solve. Our aim is not to become a new Singapore og Shanghai plus 20%, but a human centered Scandinavian style smart region.
Q: Why is Lighting Metropolis’ eco-system for smart lighting important to the region?
A: Lighting Metropolis builds upon the succes of previous Capital Region co-funded initiatives like DOLL. And it is important to support the constant development of Greater Copenhagens competitive clusters. Furthermore the Capital Region’s own demo project with our Psychiatric hospital is in line with our strong strategi focus on triple helix cooperation between hospitals, universities and business.
Read more about the strategy & activities for smart growth here (in DK).