One of the installations at Malmö’s :by Light event is a sculpture that only reveals its design when triiggered by a camera flash.
The City of Malmö invites you to a 10-day celebratation of urban light and its creative manifestations.
The concept behind the light event was developed by the city of Malmö, to create an urban platform for innovative lighting solutions that would meet the future demands of our increasingly complex urban scape and its city dwellers
The 2018 event is the fourth instalment of :by Light, organised by the Streets & Parks office at the municipality, with the goal to develop new innovative and creative solutions for lighting andlighting the urban environment. The concept consists of four different categories: the City Light, the Artistic light, the Way of Light and Place-a-light.
One of the municipality’s key roles during the event is to initiate and facilitate the cooperation with external and internal partners, to create an innovative and exciting event, while also providing the public with experiences that inspire, create social sustainability and a willingness to stay outdoors in the public environment even during the dark hours of the day.
The concept of :by Light was born out of the idea that several different professions needed a better process for collaboration on the lighting of the public environment. The arrangement became a platform for accelerating the development.
Read more about the event here (in SE).